Saturday, August 15, 2009

Loves the Lily

How could I not love such a sweet-voiced, foul-mouthed, clever artist?

Lily Allen - Not Fair

Lily Allen - Never Gonna Happen
Lily Allen - Fuck You

Cornflakes! Put them in all your cookies (via Momofuku Milk Bar!)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Don't call it a comeback

I've had lots of free time on my hands lately. Mostly I've been voraciously consuming new music. Some of what I've been listening to....

DJ Dr3i - Iron & Wine Rocks Yo Hips (mixed by Andrei Baiu!!! friend from school who is freaking amazing!!!!)
Crystal Castles - Black Panther
Iron & Wine - Sodom, South Georgia
Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness (remember this song??)

The above picture is my rendition of the infamous Thomas Keller BLT/Grilled Cheese/Egg sandwich. It comprises bacon (yes real bacon, I couldn't resist), one fried egg, tomatoes, lettuce, cheddar, and I added some avocado. Freaking amazing.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Disco night.

We bought this tonight. And we danced to this!

Friday, January 09, 2009


This is from Mended Veil, a brand I've coveted for a while. They have great pieces in a bazillion styles, but they are all unique and eye-catching.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Holy bejesus

First came the Grey Album. Then there was Dj Doc Roc with American Zeppelin. And now NOW there is JAYDIOHEAD from Dj Minty Fresh. holy mother of god. Now all I need is NirHova or Never Mind the Hard Knock Life or something and I can die a happy woman. I also finally got my hands on the full discography from Quantic. Goodbye cruel world! 

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So we've decided what to do for New Years, and we're going to see DIPLO!! I suspect that every hipster in the Bay Area will be there as their mothers, but who cares? 

Not I said the sparrow. Not I said the cockerel. And not fucking I, said me. 

I just finished watching the first two seasons of Skins, a British teen drama. It was great! Mad sex, drugs, and party scenes. What's not to love? Anyways, my language and morals may be less clean for a while as I remember that real life is not like t.v. 

I thought I'd compile my favorite Diplo songs here:

and not diplo related, but one of my very favorite mashups:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Red bean buns

Back home in the BAY!!! I haven't updated in a while first because I had finals and second because I was done with finals and couldn't be bothered with anything that included thinking. But now I'm healed.

Unforch, I left my webcam and my USB cords and loading dock for my camera at school. So until I can dig up my old camera there will be no photos. I know you're sobbing, but don't worry, it'll be okay.

In the meantime, I'm catching up on music and shopping a little and living the frigid california life. whoo!!

Japanese-y mix:
Kahimie Kari - Dis Moi Quel Que Chose Avant
M-Flo - Loop in my heart (homegrown remix)
Fantastic Plastic Machine - A River Dry
Mickey Avalon - my dick (not japnese but a classic nonetheless)
Maki Nomiya - Nicola
Rip Slyme - Super Shooter